
All listed people and companies as an overview.
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Yuki SHIRAISHIPersonMangaka (31)6
ZERO-G, Inc.CompanyProduction (56), Studio (29)6
Akiko SHIKATAPersonSinger (13), Production (1)7
Alice BAUERPersonVoice Actors (101), Actor (13)7
Ann VIELHABENPersonVoice Actors (115), Actor (8)7
Atsuko TANAKAPersonVoice Actors (269), Actor (2), Singer (1)7
Atsushi OOKUBOPersonProduction (6), Mangaka (5)7
Collaboration WorksCompanyProduction (28), Studio (14)7
Crunchyroll GmbHCompanyProduction (2)7
Denise MONTEIROPersonVoice Actors (17), Actor (1)7
Eir AOIPersonSinger (28)7
Eleni MÖLLER-ARCHITEKTONIDOUPersonVoice Actors (125), Actor (2)7
Fear, and Loathing in Las VegasPersonSinger (10)7
Florian HALMPersonVoice Actors (49), Actor (9)7
Hisako KANEMOTOPersonVoice Actors (312), Singer (35)7
Isaku NATSUMEPersonMangaka (25), Production (2)7
J. Michael TATUMPersonVoice Actors (360), Actor (4)7
Jesco WIRTHGENPersonVoice Actors (58), Actor (20)7
Jun FUKUSHIMAPersonVoice Actors (167), Singer (7), Actor (1)7
Kana UEDAPersonVoice Actors (318), Singer (37)7
Katrin HESSPersonVoice Actors (51), Actor (8)7
Katrin ZIMMERMANNPersonVoice Actors (105), Actor (5)7
Kikuko INOUEPersonVoice Actors (639), Singer (24)7
Lara WURMERPersonVoice Actors (69)7
Leonie LANDAPersonVoice Actors (41), Actor (3)7
Lina Rabea MOHRPersonVoice Actors (59), Actor (6)7
Lisa MAY-MITSCHINGPersonVoice Actors (71), Actor (3)7
Maki ENJOUJIPersonMangaka (17)7
Manuela EIFRIGPersonVoice Actors (56), Actor (1)7
Melanie HINZEPersonVoice Actors (95), Actor (11)7
Mika YAMAMORIPersonMangaka (12)7
Milena KARASPersonVoice Actors (67), Actor (27)7
Minako KOTOBUKIPersonVoice Actors (212), Singer (75), Actor (5)7
Nina AMERSCHLÄGERPersonVoice Actors (32), Actor (1)7
Nippon Animation Co., Ltd.CompanyProduction (252), Studio (181)7
Nobuo UEMATSUPersonProduction (6), Singer (2)7
Nut Inc.CompanyProduction (20), Studio (10)7
Patrick BACHPersonVoice Actors (51), Actor (12)7
Rei TOUMAPersonMangaka (12), Production (1)7
Ryou TAKAGIPersonMangaka (33), Production (1)7